FreeBSD 5.5, 6.1, and 6.2 EoLs coming soon

HEADS UP: FreeBSD 5.5, 6.1, and 6.2 EoLs coming soon と stable メーリングリストにアナウンスされた。以下一部原文と翻訳。 On May 31st, FreeBSD 5.5, FreeBSD 6.1, and FreeBSD 6.2 will have reached their End of Life and will no longer be supported by the FreeBSD Security Team. Since FreeBSD 5.5 is the last remaining supported release from the FreeBSD 5.x stable branch, support for the FreeBSD 5.x stable branch will also cease at the same point. Users of any of these FreeBSD releases are strongly encouraged to upgrade to either FreeBSD 6.3 or FreeBSD 7.0 before that date. 五月末日をもって、FreeBSD 5.5、FreeBSD 6.1、FreeBSD 6.2 のサポートは終焉迎える。FreeBSD 5.5 は 5.x 系の最後のリリースなので、これをもって 5.x 系のサポートも終了される。これらを使っている人達は、FreeBSD 6.3 または FreeBSD 7.0 への更新を推奨する。 The FreeBSD Ports Management Team wishes to inform users that May 31st (the security team's End-Of-Support date for FreeBSD 5.x) will also be the end of support for the Ports Collection on both 5.5-RELEASE and the 5-STABLE branch. Neither the infrastructure nor individual ports are guaranteed to work on these FreeBSD versions after that date. A CVS tag will be created for users who cannot upgrade for some reason; as of that commit, these users are advised to stop tracking the latest ports CVS repository and instead stay with the version as of that tag. この時をもって、ports には 5.x 系向けの CVS タグが付けられる。その後は 5.x 系向けのサポートは打ち切られる。何らかの理由で 5.x 系から更新出来ない人々向けの最後の ports となる。


The current supported branches and expected EoL dates are:

   |  Branch   |  Release   |  Type  |   Release date  |  Estimated EoL  |
   |RELENG_5   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a              |May 31, 2008     |
   |RELENG_5_5 |5.5-RELEASE |Extended|May 25, 2006     |May 31, 2008     |
   |RELENG_6   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a              |last release + 2y|
   |RELENG_6_1 |6.1-RELEASE |Extended|May 9, 2006      |May 31, 2008     |
   |RELENG_6_2 |6.2-RELEASE |Normal  |January 15, 2007 |May 31, 2008     |
   |RELENG_6_3 |6.3-RELEASE |Extended|January 18, 2008 |January 31, 2010 |
   |RELENG_7   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a              |last release + 2y|
   |RELENG_7_0 |7.0-RELEASE |Normal  |February 27, 2008|February 28, 2009|


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